Spring-ing into the Magical Moments of Summer
Lately, I have been trying to find the magic in the mundane aspects of life. As it gets to be almost 70 degrees during a few incredible days of March and the start of April, it becomes much easier to see the bits of magic sprinkled throughout this difficult world. Finding these moments is what helps to get me through the long days that remain till summer can begin. By the way, there are about 70 days till everyone’s favorite season. It’s not like I am counting the seconds or anything…
A special thanks to everyone that truly brought the magic at our Basking Ridge, and Short Hills open houses at the beginning of March. It was such a joy and motivator to see all parents and campers walking around Pingry’s new and historic campuses, bringing the summer energy in. Whether you enjoyed the donuts, discovering our new summer camp offerings, or both, we hope you felt the summer spirit just as much as the entire Pingry summer team did. Now we are eagerly waiting to get the entire Pingry Summer family to our new Pottersville campus as soon as we can. Our Pottersville campus will leave you feeling engaged, enchanted, and excited by all the possibilities this campus has, leaving you eager to sign up for some of our best and most magical (quite literally) summer camp experiences yet.
Now that this extraordinary spirit is coming through and I am experiencing more magic moments in my life than I have in a while, it feels as if everything around me is also following that path. Even the popular movies in the past couple of months have the most magical elements to them. Encanto, a recent Oscar winner and popular Disney movie, goes through the journey of a superpowered family, “The Madrigals,” a family where each family member has a unique gift except Mirabel, one of the less acknowledged granddaughters. This movie discovers the lengths Mirabel and her family will go to keep their particular magic powers as their gifts are ones that continue to benefit and strengthen the entire Encanto community.
Watching this movie not only left me feeling magical but also reminded me of the importance and power of community and mirroring that importance to young people. As someone who works in schools, I was inspired to bring more of this ecstatic energy into my school year work and speak the ways I have experienced it in my own life. Of course, the communities that have strengthened me and taught me some of life’s most important lessons are the Summer camp ones I have been so lucky to be a small part of.
This summer your child can also experience this magical communal feeling with any of the Pingry summer experiences. Whether it is actually a camp that explores magic like our new offering “The Wizarding World of Pottersville,” I told you we are quite literally bringing the magic in our offerings. Or maybe you are thrilled to experience the long awaited return of our Big Blue Summer day camp, you will not want to miss out and can not go wrong with any of the magical communities that are offered at Pingry in summer 2022.